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Open positions


Accounting Assistant
  • Chalandri, Attikí, Greece


Systems Engineer
  • Chalandri, Attikí, Greece

Company Profile

What We Stand For

modulus SA, following an ever-ascendant course in the field of next-generation telecommunications, can offer innovative services that ideally cover your business's communication needs. By exploring new cloud technologies and attracting the most specialized staff, we create all the conditions to be able to meet your current and anticipate your future needs. Our priority is to create a new experience in telephone communication free of conventional telephony constraints. By adopting the most sophisticated technologies and developing infrastructures of high standards and reliability, we seek excellence in all areas based on your benefit.

Our goal is to provide technically sound solutions that directly contribute to reducing the operating costs of your business and are immediately adaptable to your ever-changing demands. Based on internationally widespread technologies and open standards, we ensure the interoperability of our services and protect your business from encapsulation in solutions with an "expiration date."

Respecting the peculiarities of each business and its people, we seek to establish relationships based on honesty, integrity, and innovation. Discover the diversity of modulus, contact us, and learn how you can benefit from our solutions with minimal modifications and investments.

modulus Offices